How to Have a Son – Tips to Conceive a Baby Boy


If you are considering increasing your family and would like to know how to have a son, there are various tips which can help you to conceive a baby boy.

Many couples have a strong desire to balance their families, preferring a mix of boys and girls, or simply one of each but most will just leave such an important matter to chance. This can be partly because they do not understand that there are some simple steps they can take to sway the odds wildly favor of conceiving a boy or it can simply be because they are happy to leave it to luck. However, there is nothing wrong with giving nature a helping hand to naturally increase your chances to conceive a baby boy.

Up until a few years ago, this wasn’t so much of an issue. Although there is little doubt that people still liked having a mix of boys and girls, as families were much larger the odds of having both boys and girls was hugely increased. The average family is now much smaller and there is a much higher chance of having either a couple of boys or girls. Indeed a large number of couples only go on to have a third child in the hope of having a child of the opposite gender to their existing children.

Although this is undoubtedly a very emotive issue, you should understand that deep down, the desire of wanting to know how to have a son in no way detracts from the love you already feel for your daughter or daughters but simply stems from a deep need to balance your family.

Whenever a baby is conceived, there is obviously a chain of events which determines whether a boy or girl is conceived. By understanding this process and harnessing the influential stages, it is possible to improve the odds in favor of having a son.

The gender of a baby is determined by the sperm. The male sperm are much faster moving, smaller and have a shorter life span than their counterpart female sperm. Using this information, if you have intercourse as near to the time of ovulation as possible, it is likely that the male sperm will reach the awaiting ovum first. Having intercourse more than a day or so before ovulation increases the chances of having a girl as the female sperm can survive for long enough to wait for the ovum to be released.

Other tips to conceive a baby boy include taking care to have intercourse in a position which favors male sperm. The cervix area is mainly alkaline and as male sperm thrive better in this type of environment, positions which favor deeper intercourse are preferable when trying to understand how to have a son.

A quick internet search will reveal many natural ways to conceive a boy. However, using these in isolation may not give the baby boy you yearn for. However, a systematic approach which combines all possible tried and tested ways will give you the best chance.

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