Today many couples want to have children. And although modern medicine has stepped far forward, it cannot help in each and every case. Even IVF will not be effective if a male partner is infertile.
Today many couples want to have children. And although modern medicine has stepped far forward, it cannot help in each and every case. Even IVF will not be effective if a male partner is infertile. What to do in such a difficult situation? There is a solution – sperm donation.
In fact, this is donor insemination of a female egg. The provision of female eggs is also possible – in case of infertility on the part of a female partner. We will talk specifically about sperm donation, that is, IVF with donor sperm.
Male and female infertility are approximately the same. Therefore, both types of donation are in demand.
A natural sperm donor is required when a male partner doesn’t have his own germ cells as a result of trauma or congenital absence of testicles. Another case is a high probability of hereditary diseases that can be transmitted from a father to a child. Well, the third option is a single woman who doesn’t have a worthy candidate for fathers to her unborn child, but who wants to raise the baby and enjoy the opportunity of motherhood.
What Are the Requirements for a Man in Sperm Donation?
The following basic requirements are made for a sperm donor:
- 20-40 years old
- own healthy children
- good spermogram indicators (“high-quality” spermatozoa and their high activity)
- absence of infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, etc.)
If a man fits the specified parameters, a doctor collects and freezes his sperm. For six months, the sperm is stored in a laboratory. The donor is re-examined, and if everything is fine, then this material can be used for fertilization.
The sperm that didn’t fit for reproductive purposes is used in experiments and other researches.
Sperm Donor Personal Information
This information is strictly confidential, and patients cannot access it. The physical description of a donor, including photos, can be provided to a couple or a woman if the donor agrees to this.
Chance of Fertilisation
Therapeutic donor insemination (TDI) has a range of 10-25{bf9f37f88ebac789d8dc87fbc534dfd7d7e1a7f067143a484fc5af4e53e0d2c5} per month. The age of a woman and other factors are important here. If we talk about IVF, the percentage rises to 80{bf9f37f88ebac789d8dc87fbc534dfd7d7e1a7f067143a484fc5af4e53e0d2c5}.
The advantage of sperm donor insemination over such methods as IVF or egg freezing is in the simplicity of the procedure. Although the IVF with donor sperm cost is higher than usual IVF, the procedure is very effective.
How Is Everything Going?
A high-quality sperm donation centre uses exclusively washed sperm coupled with intrauterine insemination (IUI). This approach provides the maximum likelihood of successful egg fertilisation. The thawed sperm is introduced into a woman’s uterus. The doctors perform all the necessary manipulations under the control of ultrasound. Also, the woman receives an injection of chorionic gonadotropin – the so-called pregnancy hormone.