Many people end up in a dating single parent situation because of the steady increase in marriage break ups. Stepparents and stepsiblings are the fastest growing group on the planet as a result of these marital problems. A dating single parent can often find it difficult to have a social life because of his or her children. A potential date might back off at the sight of sticky powdered milk on your clothes, even if you can find a regular and trustworthy babysitter.
The child of a dating single parent may also disapprove and become jealous of the new person in Mum or Dad’s life. In this situation, some people try to win the child over by showering them with gifts. However, this rarely works and certainly doesn’t offer a long term solution. This is because trust has to be built up and it takes hard work and time. They have to do something to make the children feel that they still come first, without giving in to their unreasonable demands.
Any problems with the children have to be addressed before the parents decide to live together or get married. The potential of a partner single dating parent has to emphasize the fact that he or she is not trying to take the place of Mum and Dad. However, there is still a need to demand courtesy from the children. The best way to deal with it may be finding a common ground.
However, there can be times when two people in the same boat come together. Some even find themselves lucky because the children from both parties get on like a house on fire. On the other hand, the children might also end up strangling each other. Anyway, no one said that being a dating single parent would be easy. Patience is the key in this situation because there is no simple step by step instruction manual on how to deal with this scenario.
Hugh Grant plays a man who discovers that his romantic opportunities are increased by pretending to be a dating single parent in the movie, About a Boy. Of course, he ends up getting his comeuppance. Being a dating single parent attracts and repels the opposite sex in equal measure.