Nutritious Baby Foods For Babies


All babies deserve nutritious foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Pediatricians advise mothers to breastfeed their baby from birth up to two years of age if possible, but as you breastfeed your baby, you can also give them other supplementary foods made from natural fruits and vegetables. With the help of breastfeeding and baby foods, you can help your baby develop a strong immune system to fight possible diseases that might affect the health of your baby. Good nutrition for the baby also helps their brains to develop better and faster.

Some mothers can’t breast feed and there is a point when mothers just stop producing milk and this kind of condition is unavoidable. In this case, you need to look for alternatives to make sure that your baby will still get the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that their little bodies need. Aside from formula milk which provides vitamins and calcium, there are baby foods that you can always count on for additional minerals and antioxidants.

There are different flavors that you can choose from when it comes to feeding your baby. Two of the most common first flavors that mothers choose for their babies are banana and apple. This is a semi-solid food that you can introduce to your baby as he or she reaches four months to 6 months. Mothers usually introduce fruits first. They are loaded with vitamins, potassium, and antioxidants. You can also choose to mix the banana flavored baby foods with a ripe banana slice to make it healthier as they get older. Banana is the best source of important nutrients like vitamin c, B6 and potassium. These nutrients can provide energy that your baby needs for their daily activities.

Vegetable and meat flavor baby foods are also available with the same nutrients that your baby can get as they eat real vegetables and meats. There are carrot flavor and beef with beef gravy flavors from Gerber. Heinz makes carrots, green beans and peas for your babies eyesight. It is important for babies to eat foods that are easily digested by their sensitive stomachs. Baby foods should be healthy and nutritious as the best supplement once the mother stops producing milk.

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