How To Conceive a Boy Child – Tips To Ensure You Have a Son


The science to natural gender selection is age old and has been practiced for many centuries. And so many Old Wives’ tales were attached to them, and today still most of the methods forms part of the science behind natural gender selection.

There is no full guarantee that any of these methods are 100% and no guarantee that these methods will give you the result you yearn for, but it has been proven that they can optimise your chances to a great extent and increase your likelihood of having the baby of your choice.

If you want to know how to conceive a boy child, there are a few things you have to familiarise yourself with: The sperm which carries the Y chromosome is responsible for determining a boy baby. The sperm which carries the X chromosome is responsible for the girl baby.

There are distinct differences between these two types of sperm. The Y (boy) sperm are smaller and much faster than the X (Girl) sperm. They have the ability to swim very fast towards the cervix to fertilize the egg. But on the other hand, they do not live as long as the Y sperm. Therefore, they require very short distances to get to their destination (egg) before they die off.

The Y sperm (Girl), on the other hand has a longer lifespan, is much slower and takes longer to reach the egg and flourish in an acidic environment.

The best way to conceive a boy child and ensure that the Y sperm reaches the egg first, before the X sperm is to allow for positions with deep penetration. This way, the male orgasms very closely to the cervix and helps the Y sperm to reach the egg quickly for fertilisation. You must also try to plan intercourse as closely as possible to the day that your ovulate.

The egg is viable for approximately 24 hours, which gives the Y sperm a fairly good chance to reach the egg. There are certain positions you can try to enable deep penetration and enhance your chances to conceive your baby boy. Rear entry or doggy style is a good position which allows for deep penetration as well as woman on top.

Your body’s pH balance and your daily diet also have an effect on the outcome of your baby’s gender. The Y (Boy) sperm requires an alkali concentrated environment to flourish in. To create this environment for your Y sperm (Boy) ensure that your diet intake contains foods that are high in potassium and sodium. This is ideal to conceive a boy child and the best foods to eat include red meat, bananas, peaches and sausage.

The above diet adjustments must start a few months prior to conception to create the perfect environment for your Y sperm and to ultimately reach their destination, the egg.

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