Moving your business online can be a bit intimidating at first. You need to market yourself effectively, and one of the best ways you can do that is through search engine top placement methods. But what exactly are the steps you should take to achieve the results your looking for? Lets explore three methods you can use right now to get yourself the search engine rankings you deserve.
On Page Factors.
One of the things that you have control over are exactly what is on your page. Whether your the webmaster, or you have hired one, the information you provide on your page itself can help, or hurt your rankings. Simple things like your title for example. You want to have your top keyword in the title of your web page. Don’t add it more than once, as that will be considered spam to the search engines. Try to have your main keyword as close to the front of the sentence as possible. Most people do not realize this, but the search engines read from left to right, just like a human being does, so give them what they are looking for as quickly as possible. After all, the search engines are trying to determine what your web page is about, so put it in your web pages title.
Next is you want to take your main keyword and place it in your web page’s description. Again, follow the same rule as with your pages title, and place your keyword as close to the beginning of your description as possible. I like to create two short paragraphs on exactly what my website is about, having my main keyword in the first paragraph near the beginning, and in the last paragraph near the end. This way its the first thing the search engines see in my description, and the last. Doing it in this manner can greatly help your chances of ranking SEO Brendale for your targeted keyword term.
Now onto your keyword meta-tag. Most people just stuff as many keywords in here as possible, and then wonder why their page doesn’t get the best search engine top placement for any of them. Well it’s pretty common sense stuff when you think about it. If the title of a page is say for example “Dog Training Tips”, and the description as well, but the keywords contained in your meta-tags are all off the topic, your sending mixed signals to the search engines, and doing so they will penalize you for it. Try to use no more than five keywords in your keyword meta-tags, and make those keywords as relevant and laser targeted as possible.
These are just a few of the things you can do to help increase your chances of getting the desired top ten positions in the search engines. But last, make sure you write valuable content to the reader. After all, in all my time as a consultant, I have never witnessed Google, Yahoo, or any other engine make a single purchase of a product or a service yet. You need to strike a balance for creating what the search engines want, and what is valuable for your visitor. If a human visitor likes what they find, they will take the action that you desire, whether that is to sign up to your newsletter or make a purchase. Following these simple guidelines will help you to achieve better search engine top placement.