Sex and Pregnancy – Common Myths and Little Known Facts


Sex during pregnancy is an issue that a lot of women wonder about but are afraid to ask. Some women may feel embarrassed talking about sex with anyone other than their partner, and some women may feel ashamed at how little they know about sex and pregnancy. The lack of communication about this sensitive subject has led to a lot of misconceptions and myths surrounding pregnancy and sex.

One of the most common myths surrounding sex and pregnancy is that sex can cause a miscarriage. The fact is that most miscarriages are caused by biological problems with the mother, or biological problems with the baby; sex will not cause a miscarriage risk if a woman is carrying a normal healthy pregnancy. There are situations that may occur during pregnancy in which sex should be avoided, and some of these include: if a woman is carrying more than one baby, if the cervix begins to open prematurely during the pregnancy, if unexplained vaginal bleeding occurs, if the woman is at risk for preterm labor, or if there are any problems with the placenta.

Another common myth surrounding sex and pregnancy is that orgasms can result in premature labor. The facts are that a woman’s orgasm can cause contractions in the uterus, but these are the same contractions that are felt during labor. Extensive studies have shown that, in a normal pregnancy, orgasms will not result in premature labor or birth. Myths surrounding sexual positions and the effect it may have on the baby are also prevalent. Keep in mind that your baby is protected by two things: amniotic fluid and your cervical plug. No matter what type of position you have sex in your partner’s penis cannot touch or injure the baby. Sexual positions of any kind are safe throughout most of the pregnancy; there is one caution about having sex flat on your back in the later trimester, as this position can decrease blood flow to the mother and cause a light head or fainting.

There are also a lot of myths surrounding how women feel about sex during their pregnancy. There is a misconception that seems to be common in a lot of movies and television shows; the misconception centers around the idea that women often feel sexy during pregnancy, and that women are more inclined to want to have more sex than usual during pregnancy. The facts are that feelings surrounding sex and pregnancy are different for every woman.

Some women feel especially sexual during their first trimester, while other women are so sick with morning sickness they don’t want to be touched with a ten foot pole. Most women in their last trimester feel heavy and bloated and do not feel like having sex at all; though some women do report feeling more sexual in their last trimester than during any of the others. Some women like to have sex while they are pregnant, and some women don’t. What matters is what feels right to you. If you do not want to have sex during your pregnancy then don’t; there is nothing wrong with that, just as there is nothing wrong with wanting to have sex during your pregnancy too.

It is important for women to discuss with their doctors their feelings and questions concerning sex and pregnancy. If a woman has concerns about her pregnancy, and how sex may affect the pregnancy, then she should discuss that with her doctor too. Remember that doctors have heard it all; nothing is going to shock or embarrass them, so do not be afraid to ask questions and share your concerns. Always be sure to keep up on routine appointments and check-ups as well, to make sure that your pregnancy is progressing safely and normally.

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