You just got entry to a brand new gaff, which means a great big congratulations is in order! Believe it or not, this is not that easy to accomplish anymore. We are going to assume that you are a first time home buyer and this is possibly a new build in either an apartment or one of a similar series of homes. More than likely, it is going to have a fitted kitchen with major appliances and a bath, shower and toilet with proper tiling in the wet areas of the bathroom and kitchen. Which is a good thing, as it is going to leave you with a blank canvas to work on.
If you are a creative thinker, this is going to be a grand opportunity. There is no need to redo what previous occupants did as this is entirely brand new and you have the ability to make it your own. However, it is still going to come with its own set of challenges and if you’re planning major decoration projects it may be worth looking for temporary accommodation in basingstoke.
The Basics
If you are short on funds for furniture, be sure to spend it wisely on a good mattress. As long as you have a comfortable spot to sleep on in the evening, everything else can come at a latter date. This is going to include the sofa. Consider the fact that an L-shaped sofa is going to tie you down to a specific spot.
Keep in mind that many new builds are going to pre-painted a uniform pale grey. While this may not be the most gorgeous or happy colour in the world, you should make it work for a spell.
At the very least, let it stay on the walls for about a year. You want to wait and see how the house changes with the seasons which will allow you to create a much better colour scheme that will work for the entire year. When it is time to paint, you will be able to choose the colours that are going to work best and transform your house overnight for a rather low cost while saving money for other projects.
Decorating on a Budget
We are going to talk about saving money, which seems to be a lost art form. Other generations knew exactly what was needed for saving, it may have done with the fact that there was not a need for instant gratification with online shopping and big box retail shops. These forms of shopping are not necessarily a bad thing, if they are used in a selective manner. While you may want to pluck down for that elegant dining room set, you may want to consider something less expensive for starting out.
In fact, it is possible to purchase used dining room chairs affordably at auction and reupholster them with quality fabrics and a staple gun. It simply comes down to shopping smart. If you rush into purchases, you will find that your money dwindles much faster than thinking over your purchases.
There are many ways of redecorating a house from scratch or just starting over. One of the best places to look for a change is on the floors we walk on every single day. Consider how easy it would be to purchase a high quality Persian rug to cover up that nasty synthetic carpet that is in the lounge. It is also possible to use strips of wallpaper for flooring. Many people are surprised at just how well it works and many speciality wallpaper stores have good quality wallpaper left over that they sell cheaply.
Keep in mind when hiring an individual to make curtains, the cost will be the same regardless of how much you spend on fabric. In addition, curtain poles can be purchased by length and bought separately to the brackets and finials. If you happen to buy ones that do not match, they can easily be repainted.
Show homes
Finally, let’s talk about show houses. Typically, all new developments are going to feature a show house which is designed to show prospective buyers how they may feel in one of these houses. If you fall in love with one of the show houses, simply follow the template as closely as your budget will allow. Just remember never to feel intimidated by a show house and always add in your own personality. This is your own home and you can decorate it however you want!
7. How You Can Easily Create an Interior Design Look in Your New Home.txt
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